l know l am!
That was the worst part -
Lisa thinking l was this brilliant success.
lf she only knew
what a fuck-up l really was!
When l wanted the market
to go up, it went down.
lf l wanted it to go down, it went up.
lt was hard not to take it personally.
Nick! l just worked out the balance
in the eights account.
- The losses are over $10 million!
- Keep your fuckin' voice down!
Look, there's no need to panic.
There's not enough in the client account
to make margin payments, Nick.
(softly) Right.
l need dollars. l need dollars
to cover the initial margin payment!
l can get dollars from London to cover all
the client positions for the futures l buy!
Nothing unusual about that.
But l'm gonna need yen.
Gonna need yen to cover
the daily variation columns!
Which'll leave a yen deficit
by the end of the month.
Unless... unless l sell options.
That'll generate commission in yen.
And return the balance sheet
on the five eights account to zero!
As long as London kept sending out
money to finance the client positions,...
..l'd have enough cash to stay
on top of the margin payments.
lt was like robbing Peter to pay Paul,...
..but hopefully l'd end up making enough
to pay Peter back before he found out.
Meanwhile l had to generate more and
more business to justify my cash calls,...
..and for that l needed customers.
The bigger the better.