How big were the losses?
- lt's about a million.
- A million quid?!
For God's sake, Nick!
No, it's all right. lt paid off.
l squared it up.
l had to do it to protect the guys.
Promise me that you'll
never do that again.
- lt's not worth it, Nick.
- l promise.
You will give me a heart attack.
(they laugh)
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Fuck off!
l really meant it. l was the number one
trader, and as the new year came in...
..l was determined to kick
my addiction to the eights account.
What will the market do? Long-term?
No one thinks long-term,
they think nanoseconds!
- Long-term's tomorrow morning.
- Tomorrow, then.
- That would be telling.
- Leeson speaks, the market moves!
You said it, mate.
l want to sell the 220 call options
and buy the 200 calls in December.
l've got an offer of .1 38 for size.
Can you do better?
l'll get back to you.
Quick as you can, Nick.
l have to move fast.
Oui, oui, je suis toujours la.
What the hell is he on about,
.1 38 for size?
The market in 220 calls is down.
He wants to cut his losses.
- Yeah, but why .1 38?
- lt's a ratio.
The 200 calls are trading at 1 ,400.
Divide 200 by 1 ,400, you get .1 43.
All right. But not .1 38.
Unless someone's offered him a discount.
Probably Societe Generale.
We can't let those wankers
get our biggest client.
- What are you gonna do?
- Just have to leg it.
Buy the contracts from Pierre
and sell them when the market rises?
l thought we were not supposed
to trade for the bank.
Pierre? l can do it. What's the exact size?