l, er... ought to mention we're getting
stick from the Bank of England...
..about our funding over there.
Technically we're in breach of regulations
on the ratio of lending to capital.
Would you like me to have
a quiet word in their ear?
Oh, we're not quite there yet.
When l spoke to Andy Dixon
at the Bank, he said the matter was...
..''buried reasonably deep in his in-tray''.
Just flagging a concern.
Quite right. lt's something
we should keep an eye on.
Well... is that it? Any other business?
Well, what about this chap Leeson?
He of the exhibitionist tendencies.
l suppose it's something we should
leave to the Singapore authorities.
l have to say... l'm inclined to agree.
So, it was the profits that saved me.
lf they only knew!
That guy from Reuters again.
The second time today.
Tell him l've...
Oh, fuck it! Gimme the phone.
Print me up a balance
on the eights account.
Hi, Loy.
Nick! You're a hard man to pin down.
You know how it is.
What can l do you for?
- Quite a position you've been buying.
- We're happy.
l don't know how the client
wants to play it.
Who is this mystery client, Nick?
He must have rather large balls.
l'm sorry, mate.
Client confidentiality and all that.
ls it Pierre Beaumarchais?
Sorry, Loy, l... gotta go.
l'll speak to you later.
Speak to you some other time.
Jesus Christ, Bonnie. lt's 7.78 billion yen!
- Do you want the dollar amount? lt's...
- Yeah, yeah, $77.8 million.
Book me the following notional trade.
Selling 1 ,000 December 21 ,500
put options at a price of... 7778.
Then print me a new report after that
entry so it shows 7.78 billion yen...
- ..as if it was owing to us from SlMEX.
- Sure, Nick.
Then fax Brenda Granger in London,
asking for more funds.