Oh, fuck it! Gimme the phone.
Print me up a balance
on the eights account.
Hi, Loy.
Nick! You're a hard man to pin down.
You know how it is.
What can l do you for?
- Quite a position you've been buying.
- We're happy.
l don't know how the client
wants to play it.
Who is this mystery client, Nick?
He must have rather large balls.
l'm sorry, mate.
Client confidentiality and all that.
ls it Pierre Beaumarchais?
Sorry, Loy, l... gotta go.
l'll speak to you later.
Speak to you some other time.
Jesus Christ, Bonnie. lt's 7.78 billion yen!
- Do you want the dollar amount? lt's...
- Yeah, yeah, $77.8 million.
Book me the following notional trade.
Selling 1 ,000 December 21 ,500
put options at a price of... 7778.
Then print me a new report after that
entry so it shows 7.78 billion yen...
- ..as if it was owing to us from SlMEX.
- Sure, Nick.
Then fax Brenda Granger in London,
asking for more funds.
Say we've had a large margin call
on our client positions.
How much?
A million.
Make it two.
(phone rings)
- Nick!
- Mm?
Nick, it's the phone.
- Hello?
- (Baker) l'm not disturbing you, am l?
lt's 2am.
Oh, Christ. Sorry, mate. Had no idea.
The old farts are getting nervous. They
want you to unwind the position a little.
That's easier said than done. Don't want
to send the wrong signal to the market.
Yeah, yeah.
Second, we need another 2 million profit
by next month to secure our bonuses.
Two million? Ron, what planet
do you live on, mate?
One minute you want me
to unwind the positions...
Failure is not an option, mate.
See you at the junket in London
in three weeks' time.