''lf this is the case
you have violated SlMEX Rule 822,...
..which bans members from financing
the trading margins of their customers.''
They're just banging on about
our intra-day funding limits.
Well, what is sub-account 88888 anyway?
lt's a customer account.
We have umpteen trading accounts.
l'd have to look into it.
We're the number one trader,
and they're tying us up in red tape.
Anyone would think
they didn't want us to trade.
Er... l'll draft an answer for you.
Yeah, do that, will you?
Get it on my desk by the morning.
Of course, Simon.
Lisa, what are you doing?
l'm bleeding, Nick!
Why didn't you tell me?
Cos l was waiting till l was sure!
- You're not angry with me, are you?
- Of course l'm not angry, my love.
- You want the baby, don't you?
- l really want the baby.
l want lots and lots of babies. All right?
(whimpers) Yeah.
Your wife is OK...
l'm afraid she's lost the baby.
l'm sorry.
(roar of voices from the floor)
That was the turning point.