l'm bleeding, Nick!
Why didn't you tell me?
Cos l was waiting till l was sure!
- You're not angry with me, are you?
- Of course l'm not angry, my love.
- You want the baby, don't you?
- l really want the baby.
l want lots and lots of babies. All right?
(whimpers) Yeah.
Your wife is OK...
l'm afraid she's lost the baby.
l'm sorry.
(roar of voices from the floor)
That was the turning point.
That was when l decided
l couldn't stand around any longer...
..hoping the market
would move in my favour.
l was gonna have to make it move.
l didn't care how much money it took.
l was gonna go for broke.
The man is single-handedly generating
a fifth of the group's worldwide profits!
l know. But $30 million in margin
payments? For one day's trading?
You don't seem to understand.
The volumes are enormous!
Nick's guy is the biggest
player on SlMEX!
(phone rings)
- Hello?
- Nick.
lt's Brenda.
Listen, buddy. This is putting
a terrible strain on our borrowing.
Tony Hawes is all over me
about your cash calls.
l hear you. But London is
the cash cow for the business here.
We just don't have access
to any other funds.
lf you keep hassling me
l've a good mind to stop trading.
No, no, Nick. lt's OK. Listen...