but the fact is,
l've had 10,000 women,
several per day.
l've been a seducer
in the sense of ''se aductere''...
to draw to one's self.
We checked him out,
he kept a record of his conquests.
l've got something
that will interest you.
l bought it, knowing some day
l'd make you read it.
Here it is.
Read me this sentence.
One shouldn't lend books,
women should read to us,
so we know they've read it.
l hate reading.
Read it.
Women must read to us.
''As the Mother begets the Son,
the Son begets the Mother.
His act is the creative
counterpoint of the process.
By begetting the Mother,
he purifies her.
He purifies her
and himself, uno acto.
He turns the ''Babylonian Whore''
into a Virgin.''