He's coming.
Shall we try it?
Look at me, Paul.Stand taller, be brittle, edgy.
A matador relates to death,to anxiety, so be edgy.
Clara, look down,be a bit submissive.
Not too much.
A bit submissive to the man.
At three, you look at me.lt's all in your look.
At three, raise yourselfon your toes and look at me.
One, two, three.
You think l don't suffer, too?
You think l enjoyseeing you unhappy?
l told you,l'm always like this.
With other girls it lasted a week,then for 6 months we did nothing.
With you,it's lasted 3 months.
lt's all we've done,night and day.
Don't exaggerate.
We never did it all night.
Come on.We'd make love twice in a row.
l don't think so.
ln fact,l think it never happened.
Anyway, now l can cheat on you.But you can't.