Son of a bitch!
lt's an obscene phone call.
Why the hell you gave it to me?
How am l suppose to know?
l'm deaf.
You're deaf.
So why did you pick it up?
lt caught me by surprise.
One day you'll be so surprised
that you shoot me dead.
Don't worry. Bad persons
like you won't die easily.
l'm just as bad as your father.
What has my father got to do
with a dirty phone call?
What the hell are you nodding for?
You're a deaf!
Fucking Jesus!
l wouldn't be the least surprised
if Berm's body
suddenly appears
from nowhere.
You son of a bitch, Tong.
Guess what, Boss?,
l found Berm and Noi.
- What do they have to say?
- Not much. They're dead, Boss.