What the hell are you nodding for?
You're a deaf!
Fucking Jesus!
l wouldn't be the least surprised
if Berm's body
suddenly appears
from nowhere.
You son of a bitch, Tong.
Guess what, Boss?,
l found Berm and Noi.
- What do they have to say?
- Not much. They're dead, Boss.
Son of a bitch, Tong!
That's exactly what l thought too.
l found them here
in a girl's apartment.
- What girl?
- Don't know, Boss.
Good-looking too.
You know how Berm and Noi are.
They'll fuck anything that moves.
l'm sure Tong had this girl seduced
them into her room and killed them.
Then made off
with the money already.
- Are you sure?
- 100%, Boss.
l'm hardly wrong
with this sort of thing.
l think the next person
on his list is you, Boss.
That's why Tong told you to bring
the money yourself tonight.
Okay, first thing,
you two come back here
with as much information
about this girl as possible.
l'll think what to do
with that bastard tonight.
And don't let anyone see you
when you come out, all right?