Who knew I had it? I was supposed
to have $2 million!
Who are you guys?
My name is Brother Macro,
a.k.a. " Big Mac."
And I'm Brother Micro,
a.k.a. " Free Willy."
They work for me.
And you're in my office.
Why didn't you tell me?
You could've told me!
Could you figure out what this does?
Nick's boss must've developed it
for the Department of Defence.
His database is encrypted.
It'll take me a day to crack it.
I need that disk
to get my boss's daughter back!
The disk stays here!
She dies if I don't make
the exchange!
She lives because
we are going to get her back.
Did you say "we"?
Like me and you, "we"?
Did I stutter?
All we have to do
is come up with a plan.
No, I will work on the plan.
You will set up the second meet.
No, thanks. I'm not hungry.
-You know what today is?
Six days before we never
see each other again.
Come on, Claire. I will ask him.
-I promise you.
Soon. When it's the right time.
What if I ask him?
If he says no, then we'll run away.
It's not that simple.
It's important to me that he approves.
I know it's a big deal.
But isn't the point
of an exchange program...
...to go to a new school
for a semester...
...meet the girl of your dreams
and transfer permanently?
I had to beg him all year
to let me go for three months.
I like it when you beg.
Then I beg you to be patient.
We will always be together.
I promise you.
He will understand.
Who will understand?
You will. You'll understand what
an incredible time I've been having.