Look, they didn't get the disk!
Cheer up.
It's not that bad.
I'll do my Buddha for you.
Claire's been kidnapped again!
-By who?
-Some guy named Ashton.
Why doesn't that surprise me?
Fence fired me. He's giving Ashton
the software himself.
If he gets the software,
Ashton'll kill them both.
Yeah, I know, Simon.
It's over. It's all over.
It ain't over.
I don't know what your feelings are
about your father, but I love him.
He's about to make me
a very rich and powerful man.
Does he give you lots of presents?
Oh, you've been crying.
There you go.
Now you're all pretty again.
How do I look?
Wish me luck.
I have a date with your father!
I wanna help,
but I'd be in your way!
Don't worry about it.
Just go home.
Chill out. I got work to do.
Because of me.
You wanna know why?
Hold this.
You got work to do
because this is all my fault.
I said I was in the CIA.
I was never in the CIA.
I got kicked out of
that class at Langley.
That's why you barely remembered me.
I'm a liar!
Me getting out of here is
Claire's only chance.
You have personal issues, don't you?
Tell me.
Don't you think I want to help?
Don't you think I know how much
you need my help?
I'm just no good!