Sleepy Hollow

It is only to raise spirits
during this dark time...

that I and my dear wife
are giving this little party.

Young sir, you are most welcome,
even if you are selling something.

Thank you, sir.
I am Constable Ichabod Crane
sent to you from New York...

to investigate murder
in Sleepy Hollow.

Then Sleepy Hollow is grateful to you,
Constable Crane.

And we hope you will honor us
by remaining in this house.

Well spoke, dear.
Come sir, we'll get you settled.
Play on!

[Music Continues]
Excuse me, please.
Thank you.
Please tell Mr. Van Tassel
I Will be down in a moment.

I Will, sir.
Thank God you're here.
[Door Creaking]
Ah, excellent!
Come in.

Leave us, my dear.
We are joined by
Dr. Thomas Lancaster,

Reverend Steenwyck,
our able magistrate
Samuel Philipse,

and lastly, this fine fellow
is James Hardenbrook,

- our notary.
- And you, sir?

A simple farmer
who has prospered.

The town looks to me
as friend and counsel.

And land lord, and banker.
Can we proceed?

Thank you.
three persons murdered.
First, Peter Van Garrett...
and his son,
Dirk Van Garrett.

Both of them strong,
capable men,
found together,
