"Fuck" is the worst word
That you can say
We shouldn't say "fuck"
Fuck no!
You're cured, you can go
Don't spend your life
Shooting up in the trash
Giving handjobs for cash
Follow this plan
And very soon you will say
It's easy, m'kay
Now you're cured. Take the rest of the
afternoon off for personal reflection.
Find your own constructive way
to better yourself, m'kay?
I hope you've learned
something through this experience.
I did. I learned that you are
a boner-biting, dick-fart fuck-face.
Want to see the northern lights?
You burned yourself to death
by lighting your fart.
I sure did, Phillip.
Uncle fucker! Good night.
Oh, man. This movie rules.
Man, that movie gets better
every time I see it.
That part about lighting farts
is bullshit.
- You can't do that.
- Yes, you can.
No way.
Okay, Kenny. I'll bet you $ 100
you can't light a fart on fire.
- Holy shit, dude!
- Look out!
Shit! Shit!
Help! Somebody do something!
This stick is on fire!
Oh, my God! You killed Kenny!
You bastard!
I guess you can light a fart on fire.
Load that IV with 70 cc's
of sodium Pentothal.
We called the parents.
Our moms will find out
we went to the movie again.
Try to untangle his trachea
and esophagus.
No, that doesn't go there!
- Gross, Stan!
- That's sick!