Man, that movie gets better
every time I see it.
That part about lighting farts
is bullshit.
- You can't do that.
- Yes, you can.
No way.
Okay, Kenny. I'll bet you $ 100
you can't light a fart on fire.
- Holy shit, dude!
- Look out!
Shit! Shit!
Help! Somebody do something!
This stick is on fire!
Oh, my God! You killed Kenny!
You bastard!
I guess you can light a fart on fire.
Load that IV with 70 cc's
of sodium Pentothal.
We called the parents.
Our moms will find out
we went to the movie again.
Try to untangle his trachea
and esophagus.
No, that doesn't go there!
- Gross, Stan!
- That's sick!
- Watch his liver!
- I'll get it.
We have little time left.
We'll lose him soon.
His heart stopped.
Get it out of there.
Zap this, quick!
Who's making a potato?
My bad. I missed lunch.
Damn it, I'm not gonna lose this kid!
Close him up. We've done all we can.
The rest is up to God.
Kenny, can you hear me?
How are you feeling?
Great. Son, I have some bad news.
We replaced your heart with a potato.
You have three seconds to live.
- Fucking weak, dude!
- Oh, my God. They killed Kenny!
You bastards!
Damn it!
It never gets any easier!
I bet him he couldn't do it.
I bet him $100.
- It's not your fault.
- No, I'm stoked I don't have to pay.
That's real nice! He was your friend,
you fat fuck!
So, boys, you saw that movie again?