South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut

Today is a great day for democracy!
This is worse than when you put your
dick in my mouth and took a picture.

I know, Terrance. I know.
While you're getting set up over there,
let's bring out our first act:

Yippie, the back-flipping dog!
Be careful not to touch this wire.
The show has started.
We're running out of time.

Do you see Terrance and Phillip?
Yes, but they are heavily guarded.
Dig from here,
so as not to be seen.

Come on, bitches.
Mole, do you know where
the clitoris is?

- The what?
- The clitoris.

I have to find it,
so I can get Wendy to like me.

Stop thinking with your dick!
Be on your toes, because I won't
be grounded again!

Not for you! Not for anybody!
Men, when you're out there
in the battlefield...

...and you're looking into
the beady eyes of a Canadian...

:56:14 he charges you with
his hockey stick or whatever he has...

...and people are dying all around you,
just remember what the MPAA says:

"Deplorable violence is okay as long as
people don't say any naughty words."

That is what this war is all about.
Move, move.
We will split up here.
Let's synchronize watches.

- We don't have watches.
- You don't?

- You didn't say anything about watches.
- What do you think this is?

TV kiddie hour where we sit around
and lick Barney the Dinosaur's pussy?

This is real life, with consequences
you take to the grave.

- We don't have watches.
- Shit!

- Did you bring the mirror?
- Got it.

- And the rope?
- Check.

- And the buttfor?
- What's a "buttfor"?

For pooping, silly.
