I'll dig under the stage. With
that bedrock, I'll need more time.
Stan and Kyle, stall the show
anyway you can.
Keep that show going
until I get the prisoners.
Cartman, over there is
the electrical box.
Shut it off before I return
with Terrance and Phillip...
...or the alarm will sound
and I'll be attacked by dogs.
Got it?
You must shut off the alarms.
I fucking hate guard dogs!
I heard you,
you British piece of shit.
If anything goes wrong, make a sound
like a dying giraffe.
What's a dying giraffe sound like?
- Let's go.
- Be careful, dude.
Was my mother careful when she
stabbed me in the heart...
...with a clothes hanger,
while I was still in the womb?
Damn, that kid is fucked up.
How are those chairs coming?
Al, we're minutes away.
Super. Here is pint-sized pixie
and darling of the indie movie scene...
...Winona Ryder!
Hi, guys.
I'm super-psyched to be here today.
What you're doing for our country
is so cool.
I mean war, man. Wow, war.
You know? Wow.
Okay, and now for your enjoyment,
here's my famous Ping-Pong ball trick.
Oh, my!
"Shut off the power, Cartman."
"This is very important, Cartman."
- Did you hear what Winona Ryder's doing?
- We can't miss this.
There. I didn't miss one.
That's my Ping-Pong ball trick!
That's all the acts we have
for tonight...
...so let's just get on with
the execution!
- No, we have to stall him.
- More! More!
Yeah! More!
You big sillies.
You want to see more of me?
Yeah! Big Gay Al! Big Gay Al!