You're so dramatic.
I think you're just psyching yourseIf out.
I feeI Iike my heart
went to go Iive in my stomach.
OK, it's not traumatic!
- What if I'm having a baby?
- With Steven?
What if I'm bringing a person
into this worId?
Man, what if? You've got options.
I don't want to think about it.
It's making me cranky.
Let's get our tired asses to work
cos we are Iate.
You're aIways Iate. There's nothing new.
Ciao, beIIo!
Are you Iooking for a good time?
That is very kind of you,
but no, thank you.
Come on! Have some fun! Be a man!
No probIem!
We'II give you the Vatican discount!
- Father Andrew Kiernan, weIcome back.
- CardinaI Houseman.
These are interesting. What's the trick?
To be honest, I don't know.
They probabIy made a fortune out of her.
What's... What was this?
Infrared photographs of tears.
The statue's at room temperature,
but the tears show up
as white because...
- Because they're warm.
- Warm tears?
My Iab report and anaIysis confirm that
the bIood is not onIy warm, but... human.
I know what you're thinking,
but with aII due respect, DanieI,