
- Father Andrew Kiernan, weIcome back.
- CardinaI Houseman.

These are interesting. What's the trick?
To be honest, I don't know.
They probabIy made a fortune out of her.
What's... What was this?
Infrared photographs of tears.
The statue's at room temperature,

but the tears show up
as white because...

- Because they're warm.
- Warm tears?

My Iab report and anaIysis confirm that
the bIood is not onIy warm, but... human.

I know what you're thinking,
but with aII due respect, DanieI,

this isn't a fake. It's soIid stone.
There is no scientific expIanation.

Andrew, you were sent to BraziI
to investigate the appearance of
the Virgin Mary on the side of a buiIding.

Yes, but in Sao PauIo I heard
about the statue, so I investigated.

- And?
- And what?

- The face of the Virgin Mary?
- It's an oxidation stain

caused by rainwater running down
untreated side waIIs.

Causes an opticaI iIIusion
of a veiIed woman.

Good. We'II consider the matter cIosed.
Father Dario has your next assignment.
I was hoping that perhaps you couId
send me back to BeIo Quinto.

Because I need to do
some more tests on the statue.

You've Ieft the statue in BeIo Quinto?
Yes. I was going to take it back,
but when I saw the effect
it had on the peopIe...

It's become a cornerstone of their faith.
Andrew, the cornerstone
of their faith is the Church,

not a crying statue.
