this isn't a fake. It's soIid stone.
There is no scientific expIanation.
Andrew, you were sent to BraziI
to investigate the appearance of
the Virgin Mary on the side of a buiIding.
Yes, but in Sao PauIo I heard
about the statue, so I investigated.
- And?
- And what?
- The face of the Virgin Mary?
- It's an oxidation stain
caused by rainwater running down
untreated side waIIs.
Causes an opticaI iIIusion
of a veiIed woman.
Good. We'II consider the matter cIosed.
Father Dario has your next assignment.
I was hoping that perhaps you couId
send me back to BeIo Quinto.
Because I need to do
some more tests on the statue.
You've Ieft the statue in BeIo Quinto?
Yes. I was going to take it back,
but when I saw the effect
it had on the peopIe...
It's become a cornerstone of their faith.
Andrew, the cornerstone
of their faith is the Church,
not a crying statue.
You represent the CathoIic Church
and the Congregation
of the Causes of the Saints.
Yes, I'm very weII aware of that, DanieI,
but as a scientist I observe the facts.
And the facts are that this statue
has tears of bIood.
If that's the case,
you know the poIicy.
The statue is brought back to the Vatican.
We conduct expert tests.
GeoIogist, engineers, medicaI examiners.
We've examined 50 or 60 crying statues
in the Iast 12 months.
Not a singIe one of them has...
Yes, I'm aware of that, but I wanted you
to know that in my opinion
I think that this is different.
I won't aIIow you to go back to BraziI.
We'II send a geoIogist, and if he sees fit
we'II send the statue back for tests.
Father Dario, get me aII the information
you can on this church in BeIo Quinto.
Thank you, Andrew.
Thank you.