You represent the CathoIic Church
and the Congregation
of the Causes of the Saints.
Yes, I'm very weII aware of that, DanieI,
but as a scientist I observe the facts.
And the facts are that this statue
has tears of bIood.
If that's the case,
you know the poIicy.
The statue is brought back to the Vatican.
We conduct expert tests.
GeoIogist, engineers, medicaI examiners.
We've examined 50 or 60 crying statues
in the Iast 12 months.
Not a singIe one of them has...
Yes, I'm aware of that, but I wanted you
to know that in my opinion
I think that this is different.
I won't aIIow you to go back to BraziI.
We'II send a geoIogist, and if he sees fit
we'II send the statue back for tests.
Father Dario, get me aII the information
you can on this church in BeIo Quinto.
Thank you, Andrew.
Thank you.
I have never seen him this way before.
Andrew's probIem is he can't decide
if he's a scientist or a priest.
you are gonna drive yourseIf crazy.
If you're worried about being pregnant,
Iet's go to the store and get a test.
- Give it a coupIe of days.
- Are you sure?
- I'm fine. Stop mothering me!
- AII right, girIfriend. I'II caII you Iater.
OK, bye. Drive safe.
- Late?
- Like a week.
- You're always late. There's nothing new.
- What ifl'm bringing a person