Stuart Little

I don't like that child.
All set to get under way.
It's time to get those boats
in the water and grab your remote.

Stuart, get the remote.
Aye-aye, captain.
Doesn't she look great?
Are you okay?
-Maybe we should go home.

I'm not wearing my lucky underwear.
You don't have lucky underwear.
Maybe we should get some
and then come back for another race.

Listen, I know how worried you are
about losing, believe me.

But you know what we say?
The thing that matters...

:35:14 to never stop trying. Okay?
That's the spirit.
Everyone to your places.
The race is about to start.

Where's Stuart?
Look out, sir!
Stuart, are you hurt?
-What happened?
-It was my fault. I couldn't grip it.

Nice going, Captain Loser.
George, wait.
Oh, honey.
Everything will be all right.
