Summer of Sam

Hey, here comes Ruby the skank. Ruby!
Yeah, but... l thought you said
your parents were in Hawaii.

First europe, then Hawaii.
You know, Ron,...
we've been dating for three weeks now...

..and all you ever do is take me to motels.
OK? You wanna see me again?
- You introduce me to your parents.
- Must you always bring up my parents?

- Are you getting out of the car?
- Yeah, l gotta go.

What about our weekend in the Catskills?
l've already paid for the room.
Then you can go there
and you can jerk off.

Cos that's what you are, a fuckin' jerk-off!
Fuck you, you dago wop skank!
- (all) Whoa!
- Hey, what did you say?

- ''Dago wop skank''?
- This doesn't concern you.

- That's my fuckin' sister!
- Stay away from the car.

Get the fuck out of the car!
Get out of the car!

You fucker!
Go back home, pretty boy!
(all laughing)
He ain't showin' his face here again!
Hey, Ruby, come over here. l'm horny.
l mean lonely. l need a hug.

Then go home to your mother.
- Twat you say? l cunt hear.
- l have an in-fuck-tion in my ear.

Don't you assholes ever grow up?
What the fuck is your problem?!

- Ruby!
- Hey, is that Ritchie?

- That freak don't want you.
- Get the fuck out of here!

Ritchie, hey! How are you?
- Hey, Ruby.
- How ya doin'? You look good.

- You look great.
- Good enough to eat?

Hey, l like the new look.
What, it's... punk?

Yeah. You should come
to the city sometime.

- Maybe check out my band.
- They suck.

Yeah, they suck real good.
Just like you, Ruby.

- l learned from your mother,... dick.
- You let your sister talk like that to me?

- Come on, get lost.
- (Ruby) Leave me the fuck alone.

- Hey, you live in Manhattan now?
- l did as of last night. l got evicted.
