Summer of Sam

l'll take $ for the whole fuckin' bag.
All right, all right, all right. Here, here.
Here's your $.
Now get the fuck outta here.

- Woodstock, l need some smoke.
- l'm handling that now. l got nickels.

Right. l'll take two then.
Hey, Ritchie, you heard about the killer?
Yeah, yeah, l heard.
- What's up, Vin? Not gonna say hello?
- Hello.

Where the fuck were you last night, huh?
You drove past me outside the club.
Do me a favour and drop this stupid
accent. Talk to me for real, huh?

All right.
- Why didn't you come in and say hello?
- l wasn't dressed for disco dancing.

(mocks accent)
l wasn't dressed for dancing!

Look at him! He was dressed
for Halloween, this fuckin' goblin.

Hey, porcupine...
Vinny saw the dead bodies last night.

- You saw the bodies?
- (Vinny) Yeah, l saw the bodies.

l was on my way home. But l didn't
see no fuckin' killer, you numbnuts!

So don't fuckin' spread that word around.
(car approaches)
Hey, here comes Ruby the skank. Ruby!
Yeah, but... l thought you said
your parents were in Hawaii.

First europe, then Hawaii.
You know, Ron,...
we've been dating for three weeks now...

..and all you ever do is take me to motels.
OK? You wanna see me again?
- You introduce me to your parents.
- Must you always bring up my parents?

- Are you getting out of the car?
- Yeah, l gotta go.

What about our weekend in the Catskills?
l've already paid for the room.
Then you can go there
and you can jerk off.

Cos that's what you are, a fuckin' jerk-off!
Fuck you, you dago wop skank!
- (all) Whoa!
- Hey, what did you say?

- ''Dago wop skank''?
- This doesn't concern you.

- That's my fuckin' sister!
- Stay away from the car.

Get the fuck out of the car!
Get out of the car!
