
What took you
so long ?

I had a little pest control problem,
but it's all taken care of.

Hi, guys.
Terk, what is this ?
Some kind of joke ?

Tell me I'm not
lookin'at the hairless wonder.

Terk said I could come along
if I could keep up.

- Ah, no, Terk, come on !
- Terk !

I'll handle this, guys.
Okay ?

Listen, buddy, come here. We got a tiny,
little, itsy-bitsy problem here.

Personally, I'd love to hang out
with you. You know I would.

But the guys, they need
a little convincing, you know.

What do I gotta do ?

Do ? What do you gotta do ?
It's so stupid !

- What ?
- Well, you gotta--
You gotta go get a hair.

A hair ?
- Yeah, a hair. Uh-huh.
An elephant hair.
An elephant hair ?
Like I said,
it's stupid, right ?

Listen, take it from me.
Go home, okay ?

Who needs this aggravation ? You know ?
I'm probably gonna leave soon myself.

You go, I'll catch up.
All right ?

You see ? Leave it to me.
I told ya-- Tarzan !

- Tarzan, no !
- That one hurt him.
Look !
Oh, oh, there he is ! He'salive !
- Hey, guys !

Come back !
Come back !

This guy's great ! If he lives,
you should bring him around more often.
