Well, he didn't run !
You appear
none the worse for wear.
- Rognar is here.
- His head ?
They take the heads.
They always take the heads.
What about Hyglak ?
It's the same.
- I see none of them.
- What ?
None of them.
None of the ones
we killed.
Nor do l.
Not one.
I took two at least
that could not have lived.
As did I.
As did we all.
- Even the Arab gutted one.
- There was some life left in him.
They carried them off.
They must have.
They are demons.
Their blood
looks real enough.
- Ow !
- You complain much.
Help me carry Ragnarout.
- What is that ?
Cow urine.
"Cow urine" ?
- Boiled down.
- No.
No, no, no. Don't put
that filth on me. No, no.
Clean water.
As you wish.
Tomorrow the pus will run
and you'll have a fever.
Come, friend.
Your head has gone
looking for your hands.