They carried them off.
They must have.
They are demons.
Their blood
looks real enough.
- Ow !
- You complain much.
Help me carry Ragnarout.
- What is that ?
Cow urine.
"Cow urine" ?
- Boiled down.
- No.
No, no, no. Don't put
that filth on me. No, no.
Clean water.
As you wish.
Tomorrow the pus will run
and you'll have a fever.
Come, friend.
Your head has gone
looking for your hands.
They will meet you
in paradise.
No bodies,
but here perhaps...
is one of their claws.
Let's go,
little brother.
We have the fences
to build.
Keep 'em comin' down.
Come in here.
Line up there.
Over here.
It'll be a long day.
You, in here.
You, over here.
- Move !
Stand there.
I'll cut this pole.
Keep your eye on the pole,
all right ?