Early 1999
Large Release.
High Budget.
– Directed by James Foley
– More Perfect Stranger Confidence The Chamber Fear Reckless
– Language
The Corruptor
The Corruptor (1999) is a police film starring Chow Yun-Fat and Mark Wahlberg. Nick Chen (Chow Yun-Fat) is one of New York City's most martial police officers and the first Chinese-born immigrant on the force. Chen's job is to keep the peace in Chinatown from a turf war that has broken out between the Triads and the ruthless, and dangerous Fukienese Dragons. Chen teams up with Danny Wallace (Wahlberg), who is terribly unaware of this situation. When the Tongs boldly attempt to bribe Wallace, Chen is forced to keep his faithfulness.
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The Corruptor
:03:29 Dragonii Fukienese nu þi se mai par aºa
de distractivi, aºa-i?!
:03:34 Conform celor declarate de poliþie, Dragonii Fukienese...
:03:36 cea mai nouã organizaþie criminalã din Chinatown...
:03:38 e condusã de tânãrul de 20 de nai, Bobby Vu...
:03:40 originar din provincia Fukien din China.
:03:42 Sursele ne informeazã cã atentatele cu bombe ºi execuþia...
:03:45 cunoscutului soldat Tong sunt ultima parte
:03:48 a conflictului de forþe între
:03:50 tinerii din banda Dragonii Fukiese...
:03:51 ºi Asociaþia de Benevolenþã Tongfon...
:03:54 care se crede cã e condusã de
:03:55 omul de afaceri local Benjamin Wong
:03:57 care e cunoscut în cartier sub numele de Unchiul Benny...
:04:00 împreunã cu locotenentul sãu, Harry Lee.
:04:48 Du-te dracului.
:04:51 Ai învãþat ceva englezã.
:04:59 Bravo þie.