sync+2CDfix* e u r o f i l e s *
* t E A M . L o V E i N A * greets.FLy.OUT.2.ALL.iN.SUBScene
-bog-GP-zoLi.gogo-jVc-pCR-argenteam-e N J o y & q u i T . s m o k i N g
So, I'm dead...
and I think it's becauseof this redhead.
Do you know who I am, Jake?
The Antichrist?
I'm just a guylooking for some answers.
Hey, you know, pal,ain't we all?
Things are probably gonnaend bad for you tonight, Jake.
Yeah, I'm startingto get that feeling.
Is your life flashingbefore your eyes?
Honestly?Just the last three weeks.
It's not a bad place to start.
Calm down, okay? I'm sorry.
I lost my head in there,I don't know what happened.
You fucking shot him,that's what happened.
What other fucking choice do I have?The motherfucker was gonna welch.
Did you not hear him?Did you not see him?
I can't be here, man,do you understand me?
- I can't fucking be here!- Listen to me, all right?
It went to shit,that happens sometimes.
- Oh, fuck, man!- You're not listening, Lionel.
We can still get through this,we still have some time,
but I need youto use your fucking head,
and I need you to trust me.
Can you do that?
Let's go!
Come on, let's hustle it up.