The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human

I was still getting
pushed around by assholes.

So one day, about seven,
eight months ago...

my friend Jimmy and I
decided to start our own firm.

We pooled everything we had.
We moved in together to save on rent.

We got a "fancy-schmancy"
office in Century City...

and Waterson-Connors
was born.

That took a lot of guts.
It's horrible.
If we don't get any more clients soon,
we're gonna have to go crawling back.

That'll take
a lot of guts too.

So, what are
your parents like?

My parents?
Oh, they're great.

That's one place
where I got real lucky.

You know, typical Leave It to Beaver
kind of deal.

Just thinking about them
makes me happy.

What the hell you doin' inside?
It's a beautiful day!

My father was
A soft-spoken man.

And look at this room!
It's spotless!

What kind of kid
Are you, anyway?

- But he always had a kind word for me.
- Be a kid, goddamn it!

- Have some fun!
- Always urging me to enjoy life.

Like that!
And he taught me the things
he knew most about...real man stuff.

But still, he was never afraid
to get a little mushy.

And I love you.
It was a magical time for me.
And my mother? Mom was
the queen of style and fashion.

Was your father in here?
Well, don't worry about him.
But she always had
that mother smell, you know?

Chicken soup and floor wax.
You're Mama's
good little boy.

Mama loves you.
