You've burnt the part with the lost city.
It's for the best, I'm sure.
Many men have wasted their lives
in the foolish pursuit of Hamunaptra.
No one's ever found it.
Most have never returned.
Come! Step over the threshold.
Welcome to Cairo Prison,
my humble home.
You told me that you got it
on a dig down in Thebes.
-I was mistaken.
-You lied.
I lie to everybody. Why not to you?
-I'm your sister.
-Which makes you more gullible.
-You stole it from a drunk!
-Picked his pocket, actually.
Stop being ridiculous.
-Why exactly is this man in prison?
-This I did not know.
But when I heard you were coming,
I asked him that myself.
What did he say?
He said he was just looking
for a good time.
-This is the man that you stole it from?
-Yes, exactly.
-Why don't we go sniff out a spot of tiffin--
-Who are you?
-And who's the broad?
I'm just a local sort of missionary chap,
spreading the good word.
-This is my sister, Evy.
-How do you do?
-I guess she's not a total loss.
-I beg your pardon.
-I'll be right back.
-Ask him about the box.
We have found.... Hello. Excuse me.
We both found your puzzle box...
...and we've come to ask you about it.
You came to ask me about Hamunaptra.
How do you know the box pertains
to Hamunaptra?
Because that's where I was
when I found it. I was there.
But how do we know
that's not a load of pig's wallow?
-Do I know you?
-No, I've just got one of those faces.
You were actually at Hamunaptra?
-You swear?
-Every damn day.