That was what he said himself.
- Yes. He was laughing aloud.
He said: ''You watch the News
in vain. They didn't catch me.''
This is his weapon.
Thank God Cowic noticed it.
WeII done, Cowic!
He was trying to hide it,
but he didn't fool me.
These gIasses are cyIindrical.
Then, he attacked the next
victim - Junic's wife.
He sneaked to the bed and
tried to attack Irena...
She's sleeping now, I gave
her a pill. - I do hope so...
WeII, who knows what wouId
happen if you weren't there!
She isn't going to wake up
soon, is she?
So, there's no doubt. This
cwimminaI reaIIy is the killer.
He muwders men, he enjoys
killing women...
and he wouIdn't
spare a chiId.
And, whiIe doing it,
he laughs like a madman.
We are isolated here...
The woad is closed,
teIephone lines are dead.
But, justice can't wait.
I don't pwopose a lynch,
I pwopose a fair trial.
A secret vote.
Each of us has to decide on
what this butcher deserves.
I say, let him die laughing!
You are crazy! I neither kiIIed
nor attacked anybody!
This gun doesn't beIong to me!
Pass your kerchief, please.
- You'II compIetely undress me!
It isn't funny! There was
nothing funny! I didn't laugh!
Here's another proof!
He cwied: ''I am not a kiIIer!''
Would he say that if his
conscience was clear?
And he Iied when he said that
he didn't Iaugh.
We aII saw him; he was
shaking with laughter.