We are isolated here...
The woad is closed,
teIephone lines are dead.
But, justice can't wait.
I don't pwopose a lynch,
I pwopose a fair trial.
A secret vote.
Each of us has to decide on
what this butcher deserves.
I say, let him die laughing!
You are crazy! I neither kiIIed
nor attacked anybody!
This gun doesn't beIong to me!
Pass your kerchief, please.
- You'II compIetely undress me!
It isn't funny! There was
nothing funny! I didn't laugh!
Here's another proof!
He cwied: ''I am not a kiIIer!''
Would he say that if his
conscience was clear?
And he Iied when he said that
he didn't Iaugh.
We aII saw him; he was
shaking with laughter.
The wabbit comes to the fox's
house and teIIs her chiIdwen:
''I'm gonna fuck your mama!''
Mama fox chases him,
but faIIs in a trap.
Wabbit comes from behind
and starts unzipping his pants.
Mama fox pIeads: ''PIease
don't fuck me, wabbit!''
And he says: ''I have to,
I promised the childwen.''
Funny, isn't it? We all Iook
funny to you, don't we?
WeII buddy, you'll soon learn
that he who Iaughs weII...
... Iaughs best.
You deranged Iunatic!
We must put him on trial!
AII of us, with no delay!
What eIse can we do, anyway?
We'II either put him on twiaI...
... or call the poIice.
The police? -Cops, fuzz, pigs,
the Iaw, as you wish...
CaII the cops ! CaII the cops!
CaII the cops!