Dead on the spot!
''I came here just
to sell my goods''
''And I found death
in the woods.''
Athens, 5th century BC.
It was his fault.
He yanked the gun.
For someone who's not a kiIIer,
you kill quite often, boy.
What shaII we do now?
HoId on! There was
an accident. CaII the police!
Where are you going?
News from our county:
The serial killer, nicknamed
''The Laughing Monster''
because of his satanic
is stiII the object of the
biggest police posse...
in the history of our county.
The coroner reports that
all his victims,
and a dozen of them
have been found so far,
were kiIIed with
a 9 mm handgun.
There is a connection
between the Iatest crimes
and many unsoIved ones
from the past.