News from our county:
The serial killer, nicknamed
''The Laughing Monster''
because of his satanic
is stiII the object of the
biggest police posse...
in the history of our county.
The coroner reports that
all his victims,
and a dozen of them
have been found so far,
were kiIIed with
a 9 mm handgun.
There is a connection
between the Iatest crimes
and many unsoIved ones
from the past.
Why are you staring at me?
I've nothing to do with it.
This gun doesn't beIong to me.
Maybe it's yours, big boss.
Or yours, cowboy.
That guy they're looking for.
Maybe it's one of you.
You aII passed by me
on the road...
Anyone might have
planted the gun on me.
That's bullshit. Insinuations.
What did you say, Milan?
- Nothing, Zana. It's nonsense.
You just needed a coupIe of
seconds whiIe I was in the mud
to pIant the gun on me.
Why would someone of us
Ieave the gun in your car?
I don't know yet.
But the cops will find out.
You want to wait for the cops?
- Yes. I have nothing to hide.
What happened here was
an accident. - Two accidents.