Why are you staring at me?
I've nothing to do with it.
This gun doesn't beIong to me.
Maybe it's yours, big boss.
Or yours, cowboy.
That guy they're looking for.
Maybe it's one of you.
You aII passed by me
on the road...
Anyone might have
planted the gun on me.
That's bullshit. Insinuations.
What did you say, Milan?
- Nothing, Zana. It's nonsense.
You just needed a coupIe of
seconds whiIe I was in the mud
to pIant the gun on me.
Why would someone of us
Ieave the gun in your car?
I don't know yet.
But the cops will find out.
You want to wait for the cops?
- Yes. I have nothing to hide.
What happened here was
an accident. - Two accidents.
Has your wife made you
suffer very much?
Yes. But after 20 years of
marriage, you get used to it.
I mean, her death
made you suffer. - Oh, yes...
but memories will comfort me.
This is driving me crazy.
I can't stand it any more.
You can't even order
a cappuccino here.
Do you think I'm enjoying this,
Zana? But, what can I do?
Are we going to wait
here aII night?!
As the motel owner, you
probabIy have an idea...
Maybe I do. But, I'd hate
to be screwed up...
because of your
screwing around.
You're a reaI pervert, man.