[Morrie] That's how I learned
that my mother had died.
I've still got the telegram.
It's all that's left
of my mother, except memories.
So you grew up
with your father?
My father... He was an immigrant
from Russia, a very silent man.
He never showed
what he really felt.
After my mother died, he...
he'd come home from work...
when he could get work...
and he'd never
come in the house.
He'd stay outside,
read the newspaper...
until he knew I was asleep.
What was he feeling?
See, I never knew.
What... Was he in pain?
Was he suffering? I...
All I knew was that...
that I needed his love.
I needed him to hold me
so I wouldn't be so afraid.
Never got it, though, did you?
No. Not from him.
He remarried
about a year later.
[Speaking Russian]
[Morrie] 'Course I resented her
at first. I pushed her away.
But she was
a wonderful woman.
And from her, after I stopped being
such a little smart-ass...
- ** [Singing In Yiddish]
- I finally began to get
the love that I'd been missing.
** [Singing Continues]
[Mitch] What about your father?
Did things get better?
He did something...
God, I found
very, very hard to forgive.
He said I had a new mother...
and that I should forget.
He wouldn't even let me talk
about my mother.
It was like she'd never existed.
- Need help here.
- I think we should stop.