No. Not from him.
He remarried
about a year later.
[Speaking Russian]
[Morrie] 'Course I resented her
at first. I pushed her away.
But she was
a wonderful woman.
And from her, after I stopped being
such a little smart-ass...
- ** [Singing In Yiddish]
- I finally began to get
the love that I'd been missing.
** [Singing Continues]
[Mitch] What about your father?
Did things get better?
He did something...
God, I found
very, very hard to forgive.
He said I had a new mother...
and that I should forget.
He wouldn't even let me talk
about my mother.
It was like she'd never existed.
- Need help here.
- I think we should stop.
No. I want you to hear this.
My father was afraid of love.
He couldn't give it, and
he couldn't receive it either.
- Maybe that's worse.
- Morrie, we should stop.
Not letting
ourselves be loved...
because we're too afraid of giving
ourselves to someone we might lose.
[Gasping Continues]
- Um... Connie! Connie!
- [Hissing]
Ahh. Connie! Connie!
[Bell Ringing]
You're okay. Okay.
- [Groaning]
- That's it. Okay, breathe.
Good. Good.
Okay. You're okay.
[Morrie Sighing]
[Pager Beeping]