Much about you
I just wish
The night
On a vision
Living my life
Around you
Really don't know
Much about you
Oh, wow.
That was so cool.
You guys should go play
in a bar or something.
l mean, l would pay money
to go see you guys.
l've always wanted
to play the guitar.
Blake-- he's always
looking for a singer.
Aren't you, Blake?
Aren't you?
What, to start a band?
Someone to sing duets with.
l can sing.
Do you know any, um, duets?
Yeah. ''lslands in the Stream.''
l don't know that one.
Try ''Jackson.''
Do you know any country tunes,
like ''Jackson'' by Johnny Cash?
No, l don't know that one.
lt's pretty easy. lf you sit down,
l can teach it to you.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Okay, wait. First, l'm gonna
change into my western outfit.
lt's gonna be really cool, okay?