What, to start a band?
Someone to sing duets with.
l can sing.
Do you know any, um, duets?
Yeah. ''lslands in the Stream.''
l don't know that one.
Try ''Jackson.''
Do you know any country tunes,
like ''Jackson'' by Johnny Cash?
No, l don't know that one.
lt's pretty easy. lf you sit down,
l can teach it to you.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Okay, wait. First, l'm gonna
change into my western outfit.
lt's gonna be really cool, okay?
Shut up.
You don't even sing
that song with me.
Do you know an easier song?
''l'm in Love.''
By who?
You-- Blake Falls.
l can't play it
and press the chords...
so l'll show you
where you put your fingers.
Okay. Here.
You want me to use--
- Put one finger here.
- There?
- Yeah. There and there.
- And there.
- Okay?
- Yeah.
- Wait. There.
- There.