...white witchcraft
can open his eyes.
-But if he's wrong--
-He's right.
You'll need a lock of his hair
and a jar of his morning breath.
Lads' night out. l love it!
When are we gonna dance?
You should wear your hair back.
Gel would make a difference.
Make your face look more--
-Don't do that.
Alex, when are we gonna dance?
His pint pot's not
"a jar of his morning breath."
l have every faith this will work....
l have every faith this will work....
lnto a flame of beeswax and myrrh
that burns in the oxygen of his breath.
lntroduce strands of his hair...
...and an image of myself,
crafted in rice paper.
Just stand and drink?
We don't dance?
When the slow ones come on,
you can cop off.
You serious?!
Ask a girl to dance
and she says no.
Say you weren't asking,
you were taking a piss.
You get your hand on the arse of
a girl, she don't move it, you're in.
Don't buy her mates a drink.
They take advantage.
Order double Malibus,
cost you a fortune.
Don't sing to the record.
Make sure she's facing
away from her mates.
Try talking dirty.
Have a wank before you dance,
else you'll get a stiffy.