
Get back here, goddamn cocksucker !
[ Screams ]

Hiko ! Hiko !
- What are you doing ?
- Leave me alone !

Steve !
Steve !
I got you.
No, that anchor
didn't just drop by itself. No.

- Somebody else is on this ship.
- I hear that.

- [ Grunts ]
- Oh, God.

- I'll be all right.
- Not without stitches, you won't.

- Lift up. Lift up !
- [ Groans ]

What are you lookin' at ?
Hey ! It could've been me !
[ Squeaky Over Walkie-talkie ]
Stevie, what's goin' on up there, man ?

We lost the tug, Squeak.
- She's gone.
- That sucks.

- How we doin' down there, huh ?
- I'm doin' fine.

This whole thing is automated.
It runs by itself.

Negative, negative.
We got somebody else on board.

Repeat. We got somebody else on board.
That's who sank the tug.

Now, I want you to bolt the engine room
door shut. You understand me ?

I copy that.
And hurry up, will you ?

Listen, I think we should
split up into two groups.

- Root 'em out.
- I agree. I just have to fix his leg.

Hold your horses, mister.
I'm still captain here.

You left this on the bridge.
