- I'll be all right.
- Not without stitches, you won't.
- Lift up. Lift up !
- [ Groans ]
What are you lookin' at ?
Hey ! It could've been me !
[ Squeaky Over Walkie-talkie ]
Stevie, what's goin' on up there, man ?
We lost the tug, Squeak.
- She's gone.
- That sucks.
- How we doin' down there, huh ?
- I'm doin' fine.
This whole thing is automated.
It runs by itself.
Negative, negative.
We got somebody else on board.
Repeat. We got somebody else on board.
That's who sank the tug.
Now, I want you to bolt the engine room
door shut. You understand me ?
I copy that.
And hurry up, will you ?
Listen, I think we should
split up into two groups.
- Root 'em out.
- I agree. I just have to fix his leg.
Hold your horses, mister.
I'm still captain here.
You left this on the bridge.
You were captain of the Sea Star.
She just sank, right ?
I'm ranking officer.
Listen to me, Baker.
For $30 million I'm willing to overlook
all that's come between us.
How about you ?
- Good man. Richie !
- Yeah.
Take Woods.
Go to the engine room.
- Shit.
- Back up Squeaky.
We're gonna take Hiko, get him to
a sick bay. Gonna get that leg fixed.
- [ Hiko ] Stay away, Woods.
- Go with him, Woods.
Let me tell you something. You get me
killed, I'm gonna kick your ass.
Now, take my shit.
Let's go.