Now what?
Whoa, there, partner!
The war may have got you
40 acres and a muIe...
...but you can't just traipse into the
President's office. Give me that gun.
What, that one?
What about that one?
-That'II get you kiIIed.
Don't make Captain West any Iater
than he aIready is.
There've been a Iot of death threats.
The Cabinet made me hire
these damned detectives.
Don't mind if I do, sir.
So I understand you Iet
GeneraI McGrath get away.
That's not exactIy the way it happened.
-Some haIf-a-sissy masquerading as--
-Artemus Gordon.
You know him?
Of course. He's the best marshaI
I've got. A kind of genius.
Gordon has proven himseIf as a cunning
operator, with a rapacious inteIIect.
Nothing wiII stop him
from compIeting a mission...