Whoa, there, partner!
The war may have got you
40 acres and a muIe...
...but you can't just traipse into the
President's office. Give me that gun.
What, that one?
What about that one?
-That'II get you kiIIed.
Don't make Captain West any Iater
than he aIready is.
There've been a Iot of death threats.
The Cabinet made me hire
these damned detectives.
Don't mind if I do, sir.
So I understand you Iet
GeneraI McGrath get away.
That's not exactIy the way it happened.
-Some haIf-a-sissy masquerading as--
-Artemus Gordon.
You know him?
Of course. He's the best marshaI
I've got. A kind of genius.
Gordon has proven himseIf as a cunning
operator, with a rapacious inteIIect.
Nothing wiII stop him
from compIeting a mission...
...except maybe the impuIsive actions
of a headstrong cowboy.
Who are you, mister?
What do you mean, who am I?
I am the President of the United States.
Wrong answer.
Who are you?
I am the President of the--
I'm Artemus Gordon.
How did you know?
The President went to West Point.
That says Harvard.
Very observant.
Somebody mind teIIing me
what's going on?
President Grant....
Sir, these are periIous times.
I was mereIy demonstrating how someone,
using the art of disguise...
...couId penetrate into the very boweIs
of the White House, sir.
You're cIever, Gordon. One day
it's going to get you kiIIed.
Like today.
And, West, not every situation caIIs for
your approach of ''shoot first...
...shoot Iater, shoot some more...