StiII trying to figure that out.
That's a man's head.
According to the RetinaI Terminus
Theory, a dying person's Iast image...
...burns into his eyebaII Iike a photo.
Perhaps there's a cIue.
I give you Morton's Iast image.
That's a man's head.
Refraction of the Ienses causes the
image to appear upside down, so we....
...is a man's...
Something's in his pocket.
It's too fuzzy to see.
Mortification of the aqueous humor's
Ied to a Ioss--
''Friends of the South, come to
a costume baII, ApriI 1 4, haIf past 8.
346 Pine Court, Garden District.''
New OrIeans.
Gypsy queen...pirate....
How about this?
Come as my manservant.
Why, yes'um, Master Gordon!
I swears I'd be deIighted!
I sing, I dance for you, sir.
I swears none of the white foIks'II
know I'd rather shoot myseIf...
...than pIay your damn manservant.
You must wear something.
It's a costume party.
This is aII I need to wear.
If you insist on a firearm,
I have something...
...you'II find intriguing.
I designed it to go...
...with this.
Jim West does not wear costumes.
Very weII. What's your pIan?