See anybody that Iooks famiIiar?
Matter of fact, I do.
I am jeaIous.
Don't be.
Meet me Iater in the foyer.
Mine eyes have seen the glory
Of the coming of the Lord
He is trampling out the vintage
Where the grapes of wrath are stored
He has loosed the fateful lightning
Of His terrible swift sword
His truth is marching on
Don't you just hate that song?
Why, y'aII Iook Iike
you've seen a ghost.
It's me, dear friends.
AIive and kicking.
WeII, aIive, anyway.
We may have Iost the war...
...but heaven knows we haven't Iost
our sense of humor.
No, not even when we Iost a Iung...
...a spIeen...
...a bIadder...
...two Iegs...
...35 feet of smaII intestine...
...and our abiIity to reproduce,
aII in the name of the South!
Do we ever Iose our sense of humor?
Now, I owe a deep debt of gratitude...
...to our friends from across the sea
for their comfort...