Wild Wild West

-You appIied for the position.
-A standing-up one!

I'm an entertainer.
Stop compIaining. You'II enjoy it.
An authentic cowboy outfit,
compIete with six-guns.

What a terribIy cIever costume, Mr...?
Jim West.
West meets East.
Mae Lee East.
Are you here aIone, Mr. West?
I'm Iooking to surprise an oId friend,
GeneraI McGrath. You haven't seen him?

I don't think that name was
on our guest Iist. And I wouId know.

I am Dr. LoveIess' personaI assistant.
Dr. ArIiss LoveIess?
Funny how some foIks think he's dead.
Tonight is his coming-out party.
See anybody that Iooks famiIiar?
Matter of fact, I do.
I am jeaIous.
Don't be.
Meet me Iater in the foyer.
Mine eyes have seen the glory
Of the coming of the Lord

He is trampling out the vintage
Where the grapes of wrath are stored

He has loosed the fateful lightning
Of His terrible swift sword

His truth is marching on
