What are you doing here, boy?
I sorry, sir.
I was hoping....
I was hoping I wouIdn't...
...have to break your nose.
White foIks.
Get your hands off me!
Put me in the dungeon with those smeIIy,
bearded men, but I won't get on that!
-You appIied for the position.
-A standing-up one!
I'm an entertainer.
Stop compIaining. You'II enjoy it.
An authentic cowboy outfit,
compIete with six-guns.
What a terribIy cIever costume, Mr...?
Jim West.
West meets East.
Mae Lee East.
Are you here aIone, Mr. West?
I'm Iooking to surprise an oId friend,
GeneraI McGrath. You haven't seen him?
I don't think that name was
on our guest Iist. And I wouId know.
I am Dr. LoveIess' personaI assistant.
Dr. ArIiss LoveIess?
Funny how some foIks think he's dead.
Tonight is his coming-out party.