Just one. Touch one!
Happy? I'm touching them.
I knew it!
Squeeze it gentIy.
Not that hard! Now you've shifted
aII the buckwheat around.
Buckwheat? That's your probIem.
What are you doing?
Now touch my breast.
That's what a breast shouId feeI Iike.
Very nice.
-Now touch yourseIf.
-Oh, my God, I'm hard!
I was just gonna jot down a note.
You couId put a gun on that.
Then where wouId I keep my penciI?
I think you underestimate
the convenience of a pocket.
What are you doing here, boy?
I sorry, sir.
I was hoping....
I was hoping I wouIdn't...
...have to break your nose.
White foIks.
Get your hands off me!
Put me in the dungeon with those smeIIy,
bearded men, but I won't get on that!